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National Security Fellowship
Week 1 – Introduction to the Course
1.1 Introduction to National Security Fellowship (3:09)
1.2 Brief Discussion of the Course (5:43)
Week 1 Readings
Week 1 Quiz
Week 2 – Critical Infrastructure and National Security
2.1 Introduction to Critical Infrastructure (6:14)
2.2 Critical Information Infrastructure (7:02)
2.3 Policies to Protect Critical Infrastructure (9:06)
Week 2 Readings
Week 2 Assignment
Week 2 Quiz
Week 3 – Homeland Security of India
3.1 Terrorism- External and Internal Threats to India (6:33)
3.2 Ideologies of Terrorist Groups in India (8:08)
3.3 Terrorism in the Digital Age (8:03)
3.4 Counter Terrorism Strategies (8:01)
Week 3 Readings
Week 3 Assignment
Bonus Video: Designing Safe Cities using CPTED (8:53)
Week 3 Quiz
Week 4 – Economy and National Security
4.1 Digital Campaigns and Vulnerabilities (8:42)
4.2 Private Sector, Business Intelligence and National Security (8:46)
4.3 Cost of Cyber Crimes (7:11)
4.4 BITCOIN - The Decentralized Currency (7:38)
Week 4 Readings
Week 4 Assignment
Week 4 Quiz
Week 5 – Electronic Contamination and Cyber Warfare
5.1 Methods of Hacking (7:08)
5.2 Underground Web (6:07)
5.3 SQL Injection - Live Demo (4:47)
5.4 State Sponsored Cyber Terrorism (8:21)
5.5 Hacker Communities in India (5:10)
Week 5 Readings
Week 5 Assignment
Bonus Video: How Hackers Hack using Advanced Google Search (2:42)
Bonus Video: Information Gathering Using NMAP (2:00)
Week 5 Quiz
Week 6 – Intelligence and National Security
6.1 Need for Intelligence (7:29)
6.2 Open Source Intelligence (7:53)
6.3 Case Study- Pakistan Cyber Warfare (4:17)
Week 6 Readings
Week 6 Assignment
Week 6 Quiz
Week 7 – Legal System and Privacy Challenges in India
7.1 Legal Acts on Terrorism (7:07)
7.2 Maritime Law and Coastal Protection (8:30)
7.3 Cyber Laws and its Limitations (7:46)
7.4 Information Technology ACT 2000 (8:36)
Week 7 Readings
Week 7 Assignment
Week 7 Quiz
Week 8 – India’s Foreign Policy and future challenges to National Security
8.1 Indian Foreign Policy: An Overview (8:43)
8.2 India and it's neighbourhood (9:38)
8.3 Challenges to Indian Diplomacy (7:22)
8.4 Future Challenges to National Security (7:30)
Week 8 Readings
Week 8 Assignment
Week 8 Quiz
5.5 Hacker Communities in India
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